Advice columnist Amy Dickinson was recently asked by someone dubbed “Burned by Grandma” what to do about getting a bill from their mother for watching her grandchild. “I sent a check for $300 to my mother to cover my daughter’s expenses during her visit. Upon my daughter’s return, my mother sent me an invoice for $475.50 for additional expenses, including the cost of gas to and from the airport to transport her (45 minutes away), train tickets to go to the city to a museum and the cost of the museum admission. It was an itemized bill,” they wrote. “How do I address her behavior?” Dickinson encouraged “Burned by Grandma” to talk to their mother with any questions and concerns. However, she added, “You’ll simply have to decide whether this relationship between grandmother and granddaughter is one you can afford to foster.”

Ask Amy

Filed under: AskAmy, Babysitting, Granddaughter, Grandmother