If you’ve ever rocked out at the @Coulson in downtown Sudbury, you know what a great venue it is for live music and the doors are always open for good local bands to cut their teeth.  But since March, venues like the Coulson have been very quiet, mandated by health requirements to close their doors and they are not alone.  Not only does that affect the venue, but think of all the bands you would have seen on stage this summer.  They aren’t working either.  Steve McArthur is the production manager /head sound tech/entertainment agent at the Coulson and we gave him a call to find out just how challenging things are for musicians right now, and how you can support our local musicians…




Steve McArthur is the the production manager /head sound tech/entertainment agent at the Coulson in Sudbury.


Ed the Sock performed at the Coulson in 2019.


Watch for Fortunate Losers Quarantined at the Coulson.
Filed under: #mellandchris #927rock, concerts, Coulson, COVID19, Fortunate Losers, LiveMusic, localbands